
Return Fares Guide 2019/20

Listed below are our most popular regular return fares valid 6/12 months maximum stay. Please click on our Special Offers tab on the left for sale prices. For other airlines, Far East or worldwide fares please call us for quotes. Fares and taxes/charges below are based on lowest available fares. They are subject to changes, and flight availability at the time of booking.




Ex-London (& Manchester on SIA)
24Dec-3Jul outbound SIA £360+£360 taxes/charges Changes £60 + No Refund for Cancellation / No-Show
4Jul-10Aug outbound SIA £410+£360 taxes/charges Changes £60 + No Refund for Cancellation / No-Show
11Aug-11Dec outbound SIA £360+£360 taxes/charges Changes £60 + No Refund for Cancellation / No-Show
12Dec-23Dec outbound SIA £535+£360 taxes/charges Changes £60 + No Refund for Cancellation / No-Show

***SIA £30 surcharge each way for peak travel ex-Lon/Man on Friday/Saturday/Sunday between 25-27Mar2016
***SIA £15 surcharge each way for travel ex Lon/Man on Friday/Saturday/Sunday on other weekends
***Fares and taxes/charges are subject to changes and flight availability.

Online Flight Booking










Kuala Lumpur

12Dec-24Dec outbound MAS £545+£378 taxes/charges
25Dec-17Jul outbound MAS £315+£378 taxes/charges
18Jul-10Aug outbound MAS £545+£378 taxes/charges
11Aug-11Dec outbound MAS £315+£378 taxes/charges

***£20 weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) surcharge for London departures
***Fares and taxes/charges are subject to changes and flight availability.

Online Flight Booking















Langkawi, Penang

Ex-London (& Manchester on SIA)
12Dec-24Dec outbound MAS £434+£415 taxes/charges
24Dec-3Jul outbound
SIA £340+£415 taxes/charges
4Jul-10Aug outbound SIA £390+£415 taxes/charges
25Dec-17Jul outbound MAS £611+£415 taxes/charges
25Dec-17Jul outbound MAS £611+£415 taxes/charges
11Aug-11Dec outbound SIA £340+£415 taxes/charges
18Jul-10Aug outbound MAS £434+£415 taxes/charges
11Aug-11Dec outbound MAS £611+£415 taxes/charges
11Aug-11Dec outbound MAS £611+£415 taxes/charges
12-23Dec outbound
SIA £515+£415 taxes/charges

+£20 weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) surcharge for MAS London departures,
++£30 weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) surcharge for SIA Lon/Man deparatures
***Fares and taxes/charges are subject to changes and flight availability.

Online Flight Booking











Alor Setar, Johor Bahru, Kota Bahru, Kuantan, Kuala Terengganu

24Dec12-6Jul outbound MAS £444+£415 taxes/charges
7Jul-14Aug outbound MAS £623+£415 taxes/charges
15Aug-11Dec outbound MAS £444+£415 taxes/charges
12Dec-23Dec outbound MAS £623+£415 taxes/charges

***£20 weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) surcharge for London departures
***Fares and taxes/charges are subject to changes and flight availability.

Online Flight Booking














Kota Kinabalu, Kuching

Ex-London (& Manchester on SIA)
24Dec-6Jul outbound MAS £421+£425 taxes/charges+
24Dec-3Jul outbound
SIA £340+£425 taxes/charges
4Jul-10Aug outbound SIA £390+£425 taxes/charges
7Jul-14Aug outbound MAS £642+£425 taxes/charges+
11Aug-11Dec outbound SIA £340+£425 taxes/charges
15Aug-11Dec outbound MAS £421+£425 taxes/charges+
12Dec-23Dec outbound MAS £642+£425 taxes/charges+
12-23Dec outbound
SIA £515+£425 taxes/charges

+£20 weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) surcharge for MAS London departures,
++£20 weekend (Fri, Sat) surcharge for SIA Lon/Man deparatures
***Fares and taxes/charges are subject to changes and flight availability.

Online Flight Booking













Bintulu, Labuan, Miri, Sandakan, Sibu, Tawau, Brunei

24Dec12-6Jul outbound MAS £441+£425 taxes/charges
7Jul-14Aug outbound MAS £666+£425 taxes/charges
15Aug-11Dec outbound MAS £441+£425 taxes/charges
12Dec-23Dec outbound MAS £666+£425 taxes/charges

***£20 weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) surcharge for London departures
***Fares and taxes/charges are subject to changes and flight availability.

Online Flight Booking


















Ex-London (& Manchester on SIA)
24Dec12-6Jul outbound MAS £441+£440 taxes/charges+
24Dec-3Jul outbound SIA £340+£405 taxes/charges++
4Jul-10Aug outbound SIA £390+£405 taxes/charges ++
7Jul-14Aug outbound MAS £666+£440 taxes/charges+
11Aug-11Dec outbound SIA £3400+£405 taxes/charges++
15Aug-11Dec outbound MAS £441+£440 taxes/charges+
12Dec-23Dec outbound SIA £515+£405 taxes/charges ++
12Dec-23Dec outbound MAS £666+£440 taxes/charges+

+£20 weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) surcharge for MAS London departures,
++£15-£60 weekend (Fri, Sat, Sun) surcharge for SIA Lon/Man deparatures
***Fares and taxes/charges are subject to changes and flight availability.

Online Flight Booking

























Adelaide, Darwin, Perth

Ex-London (& Manchester on SIA)
24Dec-25Jan outbound SIA £460+£510 taxes/charges
26Jan-3Jul outbound SIA £410+£510 taxes/charges
4Jul-10Aug outbound SIA £460+£510 taxes/charges
11Aug-11Dec outbound SIA £410+£510 taxes/charges
12Dec-23Dec outbound SIA £585+£510 taxes/charges
12Dec-23Dec outbound,
to Perth
MAS £536+£595 taxes/charges
12Dec-23Dec outbound,
to Darwin
MAS £565+£595 taxes/charges
24Dec-6Jul outbound,
to Perth
MAS £420+£595 taxes/charges
24Dec-6Jul outbound,
to Darwin
MAS £420+£595 taxes/charges
7Jul-14Aug outbound,
to Perth
MAS £536+£595 taxes/charges
7Jul-14Aug outbound,
to Darwin
MAS £565+£595 taxes/charges
15Aug-11Dec outbound,
to Perth
MAS £420+£595 taxes/charges
15Aug-11Dec outbound,
to Darwin
MAS £420+£595 taxes/charges

***Fares and taxes/charges are subject to changes and flight availability.

Online Flight Booking














Brisbane, Cairnes, Melbourne, Sydney

Ex-London (& Manchester on SIA)
24Dec-25Jan outbound SIA £490+£515 taxes/charges
26Jan-3Jul outbound SIA £440+£515 taxes/charges
4Jul-10Aug outbound SIA £490+£515 taxes/charges
11Aug-11Dec outbound SIA £440+£515 taxes/charges
12Dec-23Dec outbound SIA £615+£515 taxes/charges
12Dec-23Dec outbound,
MAS £650+£605 taxes/charges
12Dec-23Dec outbound,
MAS £630+£605 taxes/charges
24Dec12-6Jul13 outbound,
to Melbourne, Sydney
MAS £446+£605 taxes/charges
7Jul-14Aug13 outbound,
MAS £650+£605 taxes/charges
7Jul-14Aug13 outbound,
MAS £630+£605 taxes/charges
15Aug-11Dec13 outbound,
to Melbourne, Sydney
MAS £446+£605 taxes/charges

***Fares and taxes/charges are subject to changes and flight availability.

Online Flight Booking












Auckland / Christchurch

Ex-London (& Manchester on SIA)
24Dec-25Jan outbound, Auckland SIA £665+£490 taxes/charges
26Jan-3Jul outbound, Auckland SIA £400+£490 taxes/charges
4Jul-10Aug outbound, Auckland SIA £450+£490 taxes/charges
11Aug-11Dec outbound, Auckland SIA £400+£490 taxes/charges
12Dec-23Dec outbound, Auckland SIA £575+£490 taxes/charges
24Dec12-6Jul13 outbound,
Auckland only
MAS £438+£635 taxes/charges
24Dec12-13Dec13 outbound,
SIA £590+£520 taxes/charges
24Dec12-13Dec13 outbound,
SIA £590+£515 taxes/charges
7Jul-14Aug13 outbound,
Auckland only
MAS £813+£635 taxes/charges
15Aug-11Dec13 outbound,
Auckland only
MAS £438+£635 taxes/charges

***Fares and taxes/charges are subject to changes and flight availability.

Online Flight Booking